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I'm so happy to have been blessed by your channel! The fact that I hadn't prayed on my knees for sooo long,  and been ushered into the presence of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, is a great testimony to your beautiful worship music! It made me realize how important it is, to spend quiet time with my Father. No phones, no distractions. Thank you for being a part of my prayer life and my meditation time. I will continue to support your channel!

Royal Fadina

My wife of 50 years woke up one morning this fall  with what has been diagnosed as a form of neuropathy.  Terrifying nights and days were made barely tolerable by incredible amounts of meds. God led me to playing music to help calm her and remembering your lovely and meaningful playing, I looked for and started playing your music almost exclusively.  It helps her rest or sleep through the toughest times of the day. Thank You for your ministry and music. God Bless!


I recently lost my youngest son of 29 years in September. I stumbled across your music while searching Pandora to add to my playlist. I cannot tell you how soothing to my soul your music has become. It is such an anchor in the sea of emotions that billow over me unexpectedly from time to time. I also play your music while reading my Bible or simply just spending alone time with the Lord. I don’t think you’ll ever know the full extent of the impact your music has on people. I thank God for your music.

May God bless everything you put your hands to.

 Bethel S.

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